Uncertainty and Growth.

Uncertainty of life is often seen as an obstacle or hindrance. However, what is often overseen is the fact that almost all things in life are uncertain. The issue with our modern brains is that we are biologically predisposed to seek certainty and comfort, in order to maximize our chances of survival. This was quite useful back when humans faced actual threats that could kill them such as disease or predators. We are now situated in an era of comfort, where satisfaction can be bought at a touch of button and information can be passed on instantly. Science and modern technology has also eliminated multitudes of  threats to our existence, leaving our brains grappling at certainty.  And so, at every given situation in life, we always reassure ourselves saying that we are certain about the situation and its circumstances, when in reality, this certainty is just an illusion.

I honestly believe that to think that we know a situation to be certain such as ” I am certain that I won’t get this job, therefore I won’t apply to it” is ludicrous and misleading. Having this kind of comforting mentality inhibits us from reaching our true potential in love and life. Comfort causes stagnancy and inhibits growth. See if we were always comfortable, we wouldn’t be going anywhere or taking chances. Even though our biology tells us to  stay where we are and to seek comfort, I believe it is important to get out of our comfort bubbles and experience life.

Outside of the bubble of comfort and certainty is where true growth occurs. We can truly experience life unfiltered and take challenges that are uncomfortable but necessary. This will also help us have an abundant mindset  as we don’t settle for what is at hand. Not settling for what’s comfortable gives us power over what we truly want and desire in life. In “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” Mark Manson clearly cements this idea of pushing yourself to be uncomfortable. Manson states that ” Certainty is the enemy of growth”, as growth can only take place when uncertainty is available.

Only two things in this life are certain, death and taxes. Literally everything else is plastic, it might be here for another ten years or ten seconds. Accept the uncertainties in your life and work with them rather than against. So the next time you are “certain” that you won’t get the job, the girl or the life you want, push yourself into uncertainty and take action. Be comfortable being uncomfortable and allow yourself to be the strongest version of yourself, because you deserve the best.

Stay Golden,

M Kazi.

Mindful Not Mind full.

Recently I picked up a book that has changed my entire outlook and perspective on our existence. The “Power of Now” written by Eckhart Tolle explores and emphasizes the endless possibilities that occur when we become conscious of our presence. Being present causes us to become fully engaged in activity and therefore enter a trans like “no-mind” state where consciousness rises above thought. In this state there is no fear, expectations, anxiety, future or past. The only thing that we have control of and that exists is the present moment.

The human brain is biologically programmed to overthink every situation and every possible situation that might arise. This was elementary to your ancestors survival and the overall survival of the human race. Unfortunately, in today’s societal context, this means worrying about future events that MIGHT happen and running them over and over in your head. Our minds restrict us from doing things that we desire to by creating these scenarios and inducing stress, worry, expectations and ultimately fear. Often times I find that my mind is cluttered with hypothetical scenarios and I’m not fully aware of  whatever I am doing at the time. Im thinking of a hundred different scenarios and my mind drifts of into the future and not the present. It creates a negative feedback loop where I am constantly feeding these scenarios with more scenarios.

Thinking about a million “what if” scenarios in your head causes you to lose engagement in the present moment. You are creating false expectation, false fear and false worry. Understand that the only moment that you have control over is the now. The future and the past don’t exist. Fully engage in daily life and declutter your mind. Find that “no mind” state where your mind is calm and fully attending to the surrounding. That zen feeling where you can truly appreciate what is going on around you. Don’t bank on the future and made up scenarios created by your mind. Realize that you are here now and that is what is important. Don’t try to live in the future or get stuck in the past because that will only create gaps in your life which your mind will fill with anxiety and fear.

Be here now and be feel presence at all times. Clear your mind and let creativity, happiness and good vibrations flow in. Don’t resist feelings and emotions in the present. Fully feel and fully address yourself. Let your consciousness rise above thought and let that empower the now. Do what you want to do and be present such that fear, expectations and worries don’t hold you and your true potential back. You will find that once you are fully engaged, all activities in your life will be more intensified and enjoyable.

Reach new heights, grow stronger and always remember to honour the present moment as that is all we have control over as we navigate through this spectacular journey called life.

Stay Golden,

Mashrur Kazi.